A downloadable game

was given permission to release my edit of there east bed so enjoy

update fixed the bed to were it fits ajs trucks    and made the sides color select and new store picture and made a option for the logo to be as a option

Updated 24 days ago


ATC22_eastbed_FixV2.zip 17 MB


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what trucks does this go to?

Ajs deers trucks

or tubs but i think it might go with tri states mack trucks

it goes with all of mine and im working on a freightshaker pack

(1 edit) (+1)

it does not fit properly. 

i agree I’ve tried every truck

Ajs trucks only

It doesn't work with any of his trucks. Half of the bed is in the middle of the cabs

seems to be with alot of his truck

That's exactly what happened every time I tried 

Yea i tried to wondering if its a different edits possible tubs version try his trucks out see if it works

okay sounds good I have a few different versions of Aja trucks so I’ll try them all and I’ll get back with you if I still have that problem, thanks for the awesome work as always 

(1 edit)

having the same issue with tubs versions too. I thing you just need to move the bed attachment a little back in the bed so it would fit with the rest of them

i updated the bed redownload

im trying diff trucks now see whitch one works

so only thing i can think of is that this bed only fits certain trucks whitch im not sure of  ive tried my self and the issue is the attacters on the bed and trucks need adjusted whitch i cant do unless i get permission from the creaters 

of the trucks

yeah that’s completely understandable well I’ll just keep trying other trucks until I find the right one

what i would reccenmend 

so some do attach them  but figuring out which ones is the issue


same truck must be a different version of it 


everyone has issues think it's a old version and needs fixed up 

i updated the bed redownload